I know what you mean that some odors can be due to medical problems but I have went to 2 different doctors at 2 differnt times and was convinced in my mind that there had to be something medically wrong with me and they both did a complete blood panel on me and they both came back normal. So it is really hard to say what Body Odor s can be due to. Both doctors both told me they did not smell anything which is funny because once I leave thier office here we go again with the rude comments or gestures other people make therefore the doctors are lying to me and that does not help anything. One even told me I should see a psychologist becuase it is probably all in my mind "yeah right" I am not imagining anything it is all too real everyday for me. Anyways if you have the same odor problem I hope you find a solution to your problem. God bless and take care.