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UT (Q and A)
dabopoj Views: 4,186
Published: 16 y

UT (Q and A)

> 1. can i still do if the liver is congested?

Yes. If the worst kind of urine (with blood and pus in it) works, yours will work too.

> 2. what exactly is the protocol? do i have to
> fast? do i drink all urine? If I drink all of it, how
> does one use any for rubbing?

Start drinking your midstream urine in-between meals. Don't mix urine with food. By "midstream" I mean 90% of the liquid without the first and last second of the flow. Morning urine is most valuable, as it contains stuff secreted in sleep only. It will also be more concentrated, that is normal.
Ideally, drink all urine you pass throughout the day. On the first day, you can start by drinking just the morning urine, then gradually increase. If symptoms of a healing crisis appear (and they WILL, if your condition is real bad), adjust the quantity accordingly. For me, it took about a week of drinking all of my urine for the healing crisis to start (diarrhea). I continued drinking everything, cause I knew there's no going around it. For other symptoms, read what I've copied at the bottom.

The rule is to drink the U within 15-20 min after you've passed it, or while it is warm.
In-between meals generally means 2 hours after and 20-30 min before meals, although that also depends on the quantity and type of food you eat at each sitting.
Urine changes slowly with time (ammonia buildup), and even then it is useful, more useful, actually, for external application. Like high meat or good quality alcohol, some say there isn't urine which is too old.

Re rubbings: don't worry about rubbings yet, use all of it internally.

Re fasting: fasting when you're underweight requires some experience, do you have any? If not, I suggest you try to gain some weight first. In the meantime you can drink all your urine. That may be highly beneficial in itself, although U-fasting is the ultimate method and will accomplish much more in much less time.

> 3. What about supplements like herbs that i am using?
> Must I stop those?

Herbs are OK, and if the rest is natural, there should be no problem. I've read about people on chemotherapy starting UT and getting off the chemotherapy after a healing crisis caused by the urine.

> 4. ANd my vitamin/mineral supplemenst, must those be
> stopped as well?

My guess is not, but anything that affects your health negatively (bad food, chemistry) will show up in the urine. Also, UT is a kind of supplementation too, cause it recycles vital elements. With time you may find you don't need the supplements.

> 5. Any other things I need to know to do the protocol
> correctly?

No. That's all there is to it.
Btw, if your body is having problems with salt and you eat salt, any excess will manifest in the urine - it will be very salty. When my girlfriend started drinking her urine, she said it had a sweet taste, which wasn't my experience. Sweet taste is not normal and indicates problems with blood Sugar levels. It went away with time, as did other problems of hers.

> 6. Also, can I wash the urine down with a chaser like
> water or juice?

Juices are food, so no. I recommend not diluting the urine with water.
This is what I do: if I'm very thirsty and think the urine will not be enough, I start with water and then finish with urine, at the end I wash my mouth with water and spit it out. I want the last thing to reach my stomach to be urine, cause that's what is healing it.
Treat urine like a cure - like herbal tea, for example. The more concentrated it is, the more potent.

The only things you need are some openmindedness and a bit of guts. Once you see it's working, you'll be hooked.



Unfortunately, however, not everybody can just jump right in and start drinking their own urine without negative side effects. The Chinese Association of Urine Therapy warns that

Common symptoms include diarrhea, itch, pain, fatigue, soreness of the shoulder, fever, etc. These symptoms appear more frequently in patients suffering long term or more serious illnesses, and symptoms may repeat several times. Each episode may last 3-7 days, but sometimes it may last one month, or even worse over 6 months. It is a pity that many give up urine therapy because of such bad episode. Recovery reaction is just like the darkness before sunrise. If one persists and overcomes the difficulty, one can enjoy the eventual happiness of healthy life.



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