Ozone works very well for brain tumors. Some of the advantages are not invasive for this kind of cancer, readily crosses the blood brain barrier, addresses cancer viruses including those linked to brain tumors, and selectively kills cancer cells. I have seen great results with ear insufflation in several cases.
You can find units relatively cheap on Ebay. There was a medical grade unit on there about a year ago that went for $400. I almost bid on it myself. Many of these units can be used with an aquarium pump in place of the oxygen as long as you are using it externally.
A few herbs I really like for cancer include suma (easy to obtain) and chagas (more difficult to find). Suma is the highest herbal source of organic germanium, which has been shown to have strong antitumor and immune stimulating properties. Germanium also helps the cells to utilize oxygen properly, a deficit in cancer cells. Chagas (black conch mushrooms) are rich in the antiviral and antitumor compound betulinic acid as well as immune stimulating polysaccharides.