Everyone has a right to express their views. :) Was thinking of giving myself a urine inj the other night but chickened out. I need to learn more about it before I try it. I may just try a few and see how I feel on them.
I was thinking a few days ago that UT injection might be a good alternative for me because of mercry toxicity I'm dealing with but I emailed Andy Cutler PhD and he told me it's probably no problem if I injest urine. I was concerned I may absorb Hg in urine but Hg is excreted through the stools more than urine and chelating can help absorb that.
I may keep drinking 4 oz of "morning catch" (or even 8 oz) and not drink any during the day and see if I can avoid the fatigue, weight loss, etc., I went through in 2008 which made me back off UT for several months. I used too think "if a little is good, then a lot must be better" but that theory seldom works for my body.