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Re: Relax during your colonic
valerie_cct Views: 2,669
Published: 19 y
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Re: Relax during your colonic

Relaxing is key to a successful cleanse. Although it is counter intuitive, in reality during a colonic, there is very little that a client can do, other than relax, to influence the results.

Colon therapists have a saying that "The colon has a mind of it's own", meaning that it's difficult to predict the results of a colonic in advance. Some days a colonic may generate a large release of waste matter, while at other seemingly similar times, little appears to come out other than clear water.

But even when it seems that not much is being eliminated, toxins are almost always being flushed from the body. So you have the right idea, just relax during your colonic and let your therapist and the water do the work.

I know it's hard at first not to strain to release, but after a while as you become more familiar with the procedure, it will just come naturally.



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