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The New Paradigm
traderdrew Views: 682
Published: 16 y

The New Paradigm

I would agree with someone who said, if life evolved through purely random unintelligent mechanisms, this would disqualify the existence of a creator.  It seems to me that the discoveries that led to the findings of natural genetic engineering (NGE) have casted a very large dark shadow over Darwinism.  The more I study it, the more I am convinced that neo-Darwinism is based on false premises.

I should be self-critical.  If Darwinism excludes a designer, would N.G.E. also exclude the need for a designer?  It seems to me that the discovery of sophisticated biological machinery at the lilliputian level has complicated the possibility of life arriving from undirected origins.  Adding to this, the cell apparently has the ability to tell the difference between simple redundant information and complex informative information found within DNA molecules.  As person who analyzes my own thinking, I really should seek to understand more about it before I form more of my own conclusions.  So I stop just short of saying that the possiblilty of life evolving from random and undirected origins is totally insurmountable.  However, science does not officially rule out the possibility of bigfoot.

Where does the farfetched stop being farfetched?  At what point does the possibilty of undirected evolution become insurmountable?  Where do miracles begin?

Metaphysical Escape Hatch

I.D. seems to provide at least one metaphysical escape hatch.  If atheism makes you feel better, I don't want to ruin it for you atheists out there.  These theories can be found on pages 248-249 in "Darwin's Black Box"




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