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Re: A prostatitis patient recovered experience with chinese herb medicine
lekar77 Views: 4,034
Published: 16 y
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Re: A prostatitis patient recovered experience with chinese herb medicine

Hello Mr. Wujiang 

It is great article and seems to be very correct. Rely on my research - 10 years of suffering from chronic prostatitis , I think the main reason for cure chronic prostatitis is healthy life style - phisical exercises , eating right  ,sleeping well at "biological time" at night  6-8 hours.

So some questions should be asked about your article:

You didn itemize what "Chinese herb medicine" ,"Chinese medicine powder" is ?

I mean paragraph 2,3,4. I am sure, we all would like to know what its composites.

I am taking an antibiotics all along , from 2005 till now - with little breaks. When i stop taking it - my case make worse again and i starting new course of antibiotics. But it is no bacteria in my prostate fluid found.

  So i never thought , that the reason is food - also a have read one topic here on forum :

Enlargement of the prostate is usually caused by inflammation (excess of a controlling hormone called PGE2).
This is why the doctor prescribed an antiinflammatory.
Anti inflammatories work by inhibiting the production of bad eicosanoids.


I think the antibiotics i takes are treating exactly those "bad eicosanoids" - and after i stop it  - bad eicosanoids comes back because my food

(it is the reason, source of bad eicosanoids) and also all food that  make our body more acid - it is lovely environment for germs, inflammation , and other worse  disease.

Those having chronic prostatitis case , i found a forum precisely about the prostatitis problem

mya be you'll found some helpful information there

I hope it is really right way - patient himself learning - cause i tried everything - didnt help....

Waiting for  Mr. Wujiang answer....




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