I heard about Miracle-Mineral-Supplement some days ago, and im very interested about it. I have a keratoconus at my right eye (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keratoconus). The "official" "best" treatment (what they say) is the transplant surgery. It is the only so called "efficient" treatment that they found. But for me, it is just a barbaric and dangerous surgery.
So i would like to know if Miracle-Mineral-Supplement could heal my eye, how to use it for an eye disease (cornea is weakly vascular so i must use eye drops?). I have always know there is an alternate, cheap and efficient treatment for each disease, for keratoconus too. I wont loose my money (25000$), time and health for a filthy useless surgery that hurt the eye each day and must be remade each 10years, no...