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Re: Addiction to Enemas? Please Read
valerie_cct Views: 2,969
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 143,214

Re: Addiction to Enemas? Please Read

Two months of regular enema use shouldn't result in "addiction", especially if you were having natural bowel movements once or twice a day before you started with the enemas.

Pinkcat said "I also find *lots* of fruit helps. Someone sent me a fruit basket and I ate a *lot* of fruit, my body was grateful. Again, very hard to keep up with this."

I completely agree with her first two sentences, but not with her third, since I am a fruit lover. Fruit does help, as do lots of good natural liquids such as pure water and unsweetened juices. Bananas, apples, peaches, plums, strawberries, tomatoes, and citrus fruits served raw or eaten "out of hand" are very healthy and filling, and can assist in healthy natural bowel function.

Welches 100% natural Concord Grape juice is practically a guarantee to stimulate a natural bowel movement for me, even though I use enemas and have colonics frequently. Pure grapefruit juice is another natural bowel stimulant, as are a variety of teas and even coffee in reasonable amounts.

Also, extra virgin olive oil and vinegar with salads is an excellent natural substitute for processed supermarket commercial salad dressings. Don't skimp on the veggies, and if you are not exercising regularly, start now. Aerobic physical activity can play a big role in keeping you healthy, fit and regular.

Hope this helps, Valerie


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