Re: Give me a break!
Hello Rocky,
Sodium chlorite solutions have been used for over 60 years. Safety is a prime concern in industry, and these solutions have been tested and the health effects evaluated. Industry has put together safe practices when working with these solutions. Here is an example of these safe working practices...
Here is a Material Safety Data Sheet for sodium chlorite powder.
Be sure to study Section 11.
Here is a Material Safety Data Sheet for sodium chlorite solutions.
Once again be sure to study section 11.
Jim Humble recognizes some of these safety issues, and ignores others. He says to make sure you don't get it in your eyes, and to be sure to rinse it off if it gets on your skin. He then goes on to advise you to inhale the gas.
If you are blinded, your quality of life goes down a little, but you can still function reasonably well. The same goes for the results of a chemical burn on your skin. However, if you damage your lungs, your quality of life severely deteriorates.
Your comments indicate that your knowledge of chemistry is lacking...
If your 28% (by weight) solution is effective, diluting it down to a safer to handle 5% solution will not make it inert. You can verify this for yourself simply by purchasing some chlorine dioxide test strips and running some tests for yourself.
Jim Humble states that you can obtain the same results with lower concentration sodium chlorite solutions, and even gives a conversion for doing this. In this case, general chemistry agrees with him.
You can do everything with a 5% sodium chlorite solution that you can with a 28% (by weight) solution, and the 5% solution is much safer to handle.
Jim Humble has done nothing to make
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement any safer than the sodium chlorite solutions used in industry. Since these chemicals have been around a lot longer than Jim Humble has been interested in them, and are so well studied, I am inclined to believe what is published on them. Working around these chemicals in industry, I can assure you that what you call "detox" is actually a mild form of poisoning.
The first time you drink a shot of whiskey, it is quite a shock to your system. As you ramp up over time, the shock becomes less and less, and you can get to the point where you experience nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Is this a "herx" reaction? While a single glass of wine may be beneficial to your health, drinking to nausea is not a healthy thing to do. However I am aware of many claims of how well people feel a couple of days after a total purge using alcohol. I may be even able to find a claim that drinking alcohol cures cancer...
Jim Humble has offered a lot of anecdotal evidence that
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement works. There are a few cases with documented evidence, but in those cases
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement has been only one of many treatments used, so it is difficult to determine what role MMS played. Jim Humble was offered funding to distribute MMS in Africa. The people offering the funding only required that he prove that MMS works. They studied the claims, and were unconvinced to the point that they asked for some proper clinical trials. So far, Jim Humble has not been able to provide them with verifiable results from clinical trials.
I must admit that I was fascinated by Jim Humbles recent illness. After a few days of taking doses of MMS every hour, he finally went to the hospital. They said he had pneumonia, but most likely he had come down with a early version of the swine flu. The MMS doses did not resolve his health issues, but a full round of
Antibiotics got him back on his feet. I am not sure why things didn't work out for the MMS treatments, but I am glad that he recovered and is now in good health.
Jim Humble has not provided any rational or test results indicating that it is necessary to increase to a nauseating dose. On the other hand, stabilized oxygen has been around for 30 - 40 years, and people have reported excellent results without experiencing the nausea. Ingesting a solution with a high concentration of free chlorine dioxide that is very acidic is bound to cause nausea, and this solution, along with the resulting diarrhea will upset the flora in the lower GI tract. Diarrhea by itself can disrupt the flora.
I don't know if ingesting these solutions is beneficial to health, but I believe that if you are going to do so, you should go slow and steady. There is no reason to make yourself sick in order to work your way to health. If you do choose to make yourself sick, you should, at the very least, have baseline blood work and have a policy of frequent tests to monitor for signs of oxidative stress. You should also keep a journal of your general well being throughout this, and share it with your medical professional during your frequent check ups.