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Re: SC : MMS plus another idea.
gibby Views: 9,359
Published: 16 y
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Re: SC : MMS plus another idea.

SC - Thank you so much for answering all my questions and boy do I have a lot, everyday, new things....
1. What is Lugol's? Never heard of it.
2. Did you do any flushes, enemas, or like salt water flushes, plain liver flushes, like the ones on the humaworm websight....? OR was it the Castor oil.
3. Did you do this only before Humaworm, or did you do it after? Are you going to do any more Humaworm?
4. well, pinworms, the main symtom is night time itching. Do you think you had that?
5. Do you think you still have them?
6. Oh yes....did you get the Castor Oil protocal from Andre Moritz book? if so, which one? I want to get a good book. I heard he has a good Liver Flush book.
7. Have you taken Vermox (Mebendozole)? Drug for worms, like pinworms. I panicked and took some last Friday after the Humaworm was done, because I felt movement again. I had some extra. Now I feel like I need to wait before doing any flushing....but I'm anxious to get on with the flushing!! So, not sure what to do.
8. If you are cured of the worms, then do you want to just try the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for preventative sake? I am really looking in to this also.
9. does the cocunut oil suppository with castor oil -was that from Andreas Moritz also?
10. Just looking into purchasing theMMS. When you find out where to purchase it from, let me know. thank you so much for all your help. I can use all the help I can get. This is so hard to just be my own doctor. It's hard to make these decisions about where to turn next, and what to do. I am hesitiant about more herbs now, because HUmaworm says you'll get resistant, yet, Barefoot herbalist badmouths Humaworm saying he's a crook, and that that you don't get resistant to herbs.....
Anyway,sorry so long.


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