Last night I ate some strawberry shortcake with gluten-free buscuits, Organic Valley's heavy whipping cream (hand-beaten) sweetened w/ Stevia & xylitol, and ripe strawberries sweetened w/ same. It tasted so yummy I ate till I could not eat another bite. I tried!! I swear I tried but I had to spit it back out. It was just sooo yummy. Well, I ate that at about 8:30pm. Then the next day at around noon I saw a few liver flukes after my toilet didnt flush right & it all just swished around. I also had a great night of wonderful deep refreshing sleep & plenty of dreams
If only raw cream were legal. There's nothing so yummy as real raw unpasturaized milk (like the kind I had in Romania) left out overnight & kept slightly warm. To me, that tastes like icecream, but the strawberry shortcake was very satisfying & almost on par.