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Advice to anyone with adrenal fatigue/liver pains Re: Advice on a new direction
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Advice to anyone with adrenal fatigue/liver pains Re: Advice on a new direction

I wanted to provide some input for you and anyone else out there who believes that they are suffering from adrenal fatigue. I have been down all these roads and am now finally starting to see some very positive improvements. Please don't listen to what all these crackpot NDs are saying. I truly believe that there is no such thing as adrenal fatigue, and believe me this is after a lot of searching and thinking and whatever. Vitamin C and pantothenic acid and all of that stuff that Dr. Lam and Dr. Wilson and whoever else are telling you to take is not the answer to your prayers.

I have found a lot of help in dealing with my condition and as you all have suffered from what seems like the same things I thought I might be able to help. It seems you are suffering from the same dilemmas, candida, adrenal fatigue, whatever, but basically you are just tired and don't know why and thus diagnosing yourself with what you read on the internet or what some crazy alternative docs recommend.

Liver pains? There is nothing wrong with your liver. I am sure that if you went to a doctor they would tell you nothing is wrong. That is where the term "hypochondriac" came from, people who claimed they had stomach pains but they couldn't find anything wrong with them. The chinese on the other hand have a term for it. Liver qi stagnation. Here are some indications that you would have it. Have you had any mysterious pains in your liver area or upper back/neck? This would also attribute to any anxiety you have had. This would also be why you crave sugar, as essentially a symptom of liver stagnation is depression/lack of serotonin. If you also crave some salt that would also indicate a kidney imbalance, a kidney yin or kidney yang deficiency. Does your liver pain get worse with stress or anger? Do you find yourself angry or irritable for no reason, or sometimes very quick to anger?

I have found a ton of help dealing with a good traditional chinese medicine practitioner. Find a good one who does tongue diagnosis and checks where your pulses are. I really like working with a chinese practioner because they treat the underlying causes of disease versus the symptoms. Find a good one that will give you some real help. I know acupuncture and all this tongue analysis may sound weird, but if you find a good doctor I promise it will be worth it. I can provide some examples that may help you realize these imbalances, more symptoms of a liver imbalance may be a stiff neck...I used to sleep with two pillows and wake up with a mighty stiff neck. A headache that radiates from the back of the head and gets worse with stress or anger. You might find yourself very irritable or easy to anger for no good reason. You may have red or reddish yellow eyes. You have a difficulty planning your future, have a lack of vision. When you get anxious it is usually about your condition or worrying about something in the future. You would also have a hard time adapting to situations...I get nervous just ordering something sometimes. Do you find yourself waking up between 1-3 AM every night like clockwork?

I have found a miracles working with TCM doctors, and I would recommend you do the same. They will probably tell you that you are dealing with a liver/spleen imbalance. With a weak spleen you might have some tooth marks on the sides of your tongue. I'm guessing you either have IBS, pencil stools or pellet stools. All of these would indicate a liver/spleen imbalance. Clearly you have a weak spleen if you are having problems with dairy and other things, as these foods are dampening and weaken the spleen function.

I would urge anyone to research more, as I am sure that these things might sound very foreign. Adrenal fatigue or candida are just one of those things that we diagnose ourselves with because we can't seem to find any other answers right? Sure I have had saliva and hair mineral tests that show that I have low cortisol or low adrenal function, but I have also had tests that show that my adrenals are perfectly healthy. I would stop diagnosing yourselves and get some help from some people who can actually help you, versus people like Dr. Lam. I know he just made my condition worse and wasted my money and I am sure he did this to many other people. Adrenal fatigue was a term made up by Dr. Wilson ten years ago, and now just a way to sell products. I haven't had any vitamin C for months now and I have done nothing but get better. If you have a weak spleen, vitamin C is seen as too cooling and will just make your symptoms worse as it will weaken the spleen and allow the liver to more easily overpower it.

I just wish somebody had told me these things before when I was grasping for miracle cures and diagnoses forever.
Some of the stuff a chinese doctor might sound completely foreign at first just like what I am telling you, but trust me it works. For example, they might tell you that eating salads and raw vegetables or whatever are bad for you, but again if you have a weak spleen/weak digestion or dampness, then these foods are just making your imbalances worse. If you have a negative reaction to vitamin C then isn't your body telling you that it doesn't need that?

Here are a couple of links to help you out:
Check liver qi constraint info:

Some information on this site:

Chinese dietary recommendations (also has their take on candida):

More info on diet and candida fron Chinese perspective:

I urge you to research more on diet from a chinese perspective. That will be the key to your recovery. It might seem very different at first...but let me tell you it truly works. I have candida, and I have been eating basically congee for the last month, which is essentially hot white rice pudding and I have done nothing but get better. Check your tongue tomorrow morning when you wake up. If there is a thin white or yellow coating it usually means liver/spleen imbalance. If you have slight teeth marks on the side it means your spleen is weak. There is more I can tell you, but you probably already think I am crazy. Anyway, please check out the information because I think it will help you find some answers that you need.

Good luck, hope you find your health back.


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