Worst flush ever
I have not done a
Liver-Flush in about 18 mos. I have done about 6
Liver-Flush total over the last few years and they have all been successful. Last night was a different story. I prepared during the week by reducing animal protein, more salads with
Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil & ACV, daily
coffee enemas and a couple of glasses of ACV & water.
The morning of the flush I juiced 7 organic apples and had a bowl of oatmeal. Lunch was steamed veggies and rice at noon. Then nothing but water the rest of the day. I took my mag citrate at 6 and 8pm. At 10pm had the OO/GFJ. I could not keep it down and ended up puking 45 min later. No sleep most of the night, and I vomited a few times more. I ended up with a raging headache unlike I have ever had before and when I woke up I tried doing a SF flush but puked most of it out again. No pain in the liver/gallbladder area, just my head and I was a little dizzy.
Made some coffee and did a
coffee enema which was very successful and lessened the headache somewhat. I have not seen any of my little floating green peas so I don't think anything came out but I feel horrible and this has never happened before.
Could I be that toxic and in need of a more thorough
Colon Cleanse perhaps? Anything I can do now? Would another
coffee enema help? I just can't think I feel so bad.