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Re: Found Perfect Holder For My MH Herb Spray Gift Kit
MH 108 Views: 2,379
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Re: Found Perfect Holder For My MH Herb Spray Gift Kit


now that you have a fair skinned, red head, white girl hat has avoided the sun...i must wonder if she would be willing to sun bath in your florida sun for an hour or two and get that cherry red lobstor look on 1 leg or bottom down, or what ever method that the person taking the pictures could tell that she indeed got sun!!!!!!!!!

but not do this until she has plenty of the sun burn spray! so it would play out like this:

1. sun -1-2 hours on her light skin
2. come in, take shower, then take picture.
3. spray sun burn spray liberally as needed.
4. take picture morning and night and keep sprayed for 4 days or as long as needed to stay pain free.

watch for any signs of skin peeling as a result of the sun burn. so far, no one has peeled any skin. so far, the so called sun burn has dissapeared, proving the skin never was burned in the first place.

a great picture would be 1 leg sun, 1 leg no sun or some sort of 1/2 and 1/2 pictures that no one could denie...

and then if she was willing to do this, then i would make her a sun tanning plant oils formula so she could tan as she enjoys the daily sunshine....

then when i send her the sun burn spray, i can send a handful of the newer herbal sprays along with the solomon and teasel, etc... sprays.

and if she is not willing, the more prefered testimony is "yours"............your skin, florida sun and your detailed day by day experience of how to deal with the common problem of all you snow birds that travel to florida and get your #### burnt in the sun. i already did it, but was too stupid to take pictures....could kick myself..i guess i did not realize the amazing results that were going to happen...never did i dream i would not peel any skin.

so that is the offer on the table.....sun experiment = big box of sprays....most of which no soul on this earth has tried yet, not even myself and all will have the new version and because they would be going to you, i would ad a few drops extra in each bottle, just for you!

what say ye?


i know $$$$$ is not an issue, but if you know that coppertone guy that has his mansion; i think near daytona and has 24 babes sunbathe at his mansions as a tax write off for his coppertome oils business, etc...ya know, the guy that says he has made hundreds of millions from helping the women avoid the sun burn....i think he needs a sun burn spray to sell beside his coppertone products.


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