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Nice to be back
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Nice to be back


A while ago you asked us to start composting and to plant our own garden. Two years ago I would have thought that I would never be able to plant a garden due to my severe Fibromyalgia and Depression.

I want to tell everyone that I have totally landscaped my front and back yard digging out lots and lots of heavy clay soil out for my plants and fruit trees and planting them plus bringing in beautiful quarts crystal rocks from my sisters land which is in Jamestown CA. I took a pick and took out 50 yards of sod by myself. I get outside at 6:30 am and end at 12 midnight and I have been doing this for months.

My dad gave me a huge compost bin and I made my own compost and had a wonderful earthy smell to it. No bad oder at all. I used a whole bin of compost for my vegetable garden which is doing very well.

I am just amazed what I am doing ever since I took my first Humaworm cleanse and did 4 more which is a total of 5 cleanses. I feel like I can conquer anything I put my mind to now. Humaworm changed my life for the better. For those of you old timers that have followed my posts, you know what I am talking about. There is not enough kind words in this world to tell RG to express the wellness that I have found all because of his products and his huge heart for all of us.

When I got my Vita Mix blender and started doing green smoothies, it added to my energy level and my health and I found out about COLD COMPOSTING. I started cold composting in my Vita Mix. I get my 5 gallon bucket and put it on my kitchen floor and then I fill my Vita Mix blender up about 1/2 way with water and then I put in Orange rinds, Lemon rinds, egg shells, greens that gone bad or ends of the greens that I use. I even put in bannana peels and other fruits and vegetables that I would put in my compost bin. I blend it all up until it looks like a smoothie and then I pour it in my 5 gallon bucket until it is about 1/2 full. I go to Starbucks and get used coffee grounds and put a few cups in my Cold Compost mixture. I also put in 3/4 cup of Epsom salts for the magnesium. I then take it outside and fill it up the rest of the way with water and lattle it onto my plants and water and they love it! My flowers, palm trees, fruit trees are loving it. My front yard is bursting with so much color from my flowers. You can say that my house stands out on my block. A lot of my flowers bloomed during the winter when other peoples flowers of the kind did not bloom. My queen palms did not turn yellow like my neighbors queen palms from the cold frost. Mine stayed very green.

I now have my 4 year old grandaughter interested in gardening. She is wanting me to help her plant some carrot seeds right now so I have to close. Again, Thank you so much RG for helping me get my health back. Donna


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