happy memorial day. What does Memorial day mean to me? Many things. The first thing is to remember the dead.
my mom would go and place wreaths on the graves of the dead. Even when we were short of money, we had enough for wreaths. Isn't it sad people only go on memorial day?
I remember many who died but I remember them every single day.
mo January 24,2002
Patty Hale (my sister) June 8, 1998
Jack Hisle (my dad) May 10, 1989
My grandparents
all the military
john wayne, red buttons, sammy davis jr., abraham lincoln, Prophet Mohammad.
now we would run to the park to get the best seat and the best table. It was a must. We had to go early to walk the dogs and start the grill. Memorial day, a busy day at the park.
here is my sister Patty, not really, eating corn on the cob. I thought it was a funny picture. We all love to eat don't we. Maybe that is why we are so fat, cause we are raised on celebrations and eating.
yeah, now we are watching the fireworks and sitting on the ground laughing as we are holding our sparklers. The dogs are screaming out of fear of the noise and mom is yelling at us as usual. Thank God, I live alone now. lol.
As I reflect back on the years gone by and the sadness of the day, I have to wonder why people are happy. So many have died have we forgotten them. Have we not reflected on death today because it is so close to all of us. I feel sad today and I want to be happy but I miss my Mo and my sister and my dad and I feel bad about all the Muslims that died. Yes many Muslims who are Americans died the same as Americans and I think it is time to unite all religions, all races and all people.
Memorial Day not a White day or Black Day or a Mexican day, it is an American Holiday. Why not on this day hug your neighbor, kiss your dog and just scream halleluyah. Be happy you have cold water to drink. Be happy you can walk or you can see. Be happy to be together with your families and most of all be happy you are free.
When you are celebrating on this day don't forget to thank God for the time you have together with everyone and don't forget to always tell everyone you love them and by God, do something crazy and fun. Like Tiffster in her bikini having fun on the beach.