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Re: zombie nation, you seen it?
MH 108 Views: 1,236
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Re: zombie nation, you seen it?

we have a local nut doctor living near us, i have never seen her. the locals tell me she is as evil as a human can be and to stay far away from her...that is what her common country folk neighbors think of her and her multi-million dollar home she built in the country....

in all of history, there is no more evil human that the nut doctors, they believe in population controls and survival of the fittest, in that all humans should be slaves to the european blue bloods (pope's kids)and anytime anyone screws up and is untrainable, they think the entire family should be sterilized and there is no stronger race murders on the planet....they are of the old theory that only $$$$$$$$$$ rules this planet and all people of color are an enemy to their system.

they use chemicals since world war ii, instead of the nut hospitals where they fry your brain with electric and cut out your reproductive systems...easy to hnd it out as a form of "welfare" to poisons "them"...

all humans that have their hand out to the government for free $$$$$$$$$ / food / shelter are all in the care of the nut doctors poisons and mental controls. no country wants people that are too old or not willing to work...

if they don't want "you", they will find a way to shorten your is that is "farming" of the human race...when predators like the pope took control 2,000 years ago..

it is the "humane" way to control the populations!!!!

ya know, just like when the human pays some vet $50 to put down a dog or differance. humans are trained to believe in the "humane" way of killing. so now death via drugs is socially accepted world wide.



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