Have I screwed up? I decided to put very cold dry ice on my swollen lymph now, now it's very big and noticable, please help, asap
hello, i've made a few other post, regarding my swollen lymph nodes over the past year, i've tried several herbal remedies though i'll admit over the past 3 weeks, i just started making these remedies a routine. I've debated over the past couple of months---if it's time to go to a traditional Doctor, i'm tired of these embarassing large lymph nodes. So one by my jaw, is the one i'm embarrassed the most by. But, at times it's not as horrible, unfortunately today, just being crazy, trying a different message, i came across some black ice.........i put it on the lymph node for about 30 seconds, long as i could stand it. I get home, feel the lymph node and notice it feels much bigger than ever, scared to look, i grabbed the castor oil and hot packs, still no shrinking. I can't walk around with this big swollen lymph on my jaw. If i take off work for a week, do u think this thing would have shrunk or have i just made it very mad and it's staying this size? Any quick fixes or advice? I've been eating healthier, drinking lots of water, taking acv, olive leave extract, c. pepper, oregano, and chicken weed extract, and the castor oil packs for the past month and no change in my swollen lymphs. Is it time for a traditional Doctor? After me puttn that dry ice on the lymph node, it is harder and bigger than ever. please pray for me, thank you