That is so true. It would be nice if everyone lived on a farm or at least in a rural area where you can simply drive down the road and get your choice of 5 different family farm stands from which to choose your food, and you could figure the brix on each piece of produce from each stand and make your choices. Reality is though that many live in inner cities without even good enough light on their fire escape to grow a lettuce leaf, and work at a job all day where they have to commute an hour and a half on the bus each way, and their choices for produce are what is in corner-store A versus corner-store B, because it is 7:30 at night and the kids are screaming and hungry and you are a single mother who just paid the rest of her disposable cash to the babysitter so you CAN go out and work that job that takes you an hour and a half to get to and from. It is easy to see why folks in that situation might feel that a brix reading won't change their reality all that much, except reinforce what they already know - that they have poor choices for produce in the inner city. That does not mean that everyone doesn't still have to take personal responsibility for their healing - they do - but those in more challenging situations may have a tougher time doing it. We sometimes expect people to rise to the occasion and become super heroes - to expect them to overcome things we have no clue of. (I think Moreless' "basic advice" posts are real helpful for this kid of situation).