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Environmental Toxicity
Examples of well-known damaging effects of energy to the body include:
- High frequency electromagnetic radiation (EMR) leads to cancer from radioactivity, and leukemia from x-ray exposure
- Light: Too much sunlight exposure (sunburn) = infrared light. Nightlights cause eye problems and decreased melatonin levels in children
- Sound: Tinnitus can come from too much noise exposure. Cancer from infrasound exposure (i.e.vibrating refrigerator, near-by freeway tunnel)
Possible sources of damaging energy to the unborn or young child include household currents and fields (cordless phones, wireless, appliances), incoming information carrying radio waves (cell phone and radio/TV broadcasting), light and noise (night light, street lights, traffic, heat pumps).
According to Dr. Klinghardt, two parameters that determine and predict the future health of a child are as follows:
- Body Voltage in the sleeping location of the pregnant mom or the infant after birth. The body acts like an antenna for ambient electric fields in the home and builds up electric tension against the ground, which interferes with numerous biological and physiological functions. Body voltage increases towards the center of the body. The measurement requires an inexpensive instrument (Multi Meter). Since our neurons operate at voltages between 80 and 120 milliVolt (mV), the threshold at which artificially induced body voltage interferes with our normal physiology is at a level at or above 80 milliVolts. The higher the body voltage, the worse. Reported damage caused by EMF includes damage to the developing neuronal networks, to cell signaling mechanisms, the epigenome, to the cell membrane (“cell membrane sensitivity”) interruption or stimulation of cell signaling molecules and damage to the DNA itself.
- Microwave exposure of the pregnant mom or the infant after birth. This measurement addresses the effects of cell phone radiation (from nearby emitter), wireless technology in the home (or from neighbor) and cordless phones. Anything over 1 microWatt/square meter in the sleeping location is expected to cause biological, immunological, physiological and neurological consequences. The higher, the more devastating.
Known biomedical effects include:
- Decrease in pineal function with decreased melatonin production (insomnia, lowered immune status
- opens blood brain barrier
- Autism and other neuro-developmental disorders in exposed infants
- increased leukemia and cancer rates
- brain fog, fatigue, short term memory loss
- synergistic effect with all other types of radiation
- disturbs all known intrinsic rhythms (EEG, heart rate variability, breathing pattern, 24 hr meridian activity, bowel movements, detoxification, etc),
- blocks blood-brain and gut barrier (leaky gut syndrome) in stuck-open position leading to neurological illness (Parkinson, MS and ALS, autism,etc.), food and environmental allergies
- synergistic effect with other fields, increases mold growth and mycotoxin production in homes
- lowered immune status (decreased IL-10, increased IL-1, IL-6, decreased NK cell activity)
Environmental toxicity in the home may be framed multi-dimensionally over five levels.