Your reaction to the taste is normal, however, most people don't know how to "not taste it". Take a deep breath and hold it as you drink. Stop and take a breath OUT OF YOUR MOUTH ONLY and continue drinking until done. Still, DONT BREATH OUT OF YOUR NOSE. Breathe out of your mouth. I go to the fridge and take a sip of pickle juice to swish around in my mouth. Unually it isn't enough to even have to swallow. NOW< you can breathe out of your nose and vwa la, no taste!! Make sure you have at least one ounce of water per drop of H202 otherwise, you will have afterburn and feel like vomiting. I started at the end of 2004 taking this 3 times a day and continued 3 times daily for a year and a half. . I am now 56 years old, and still take it once a day. My testimonial is on the Oxygen therapies site, page 48 labeled "H202 therapies". I hope I am not too late in adviseing you. This is wonderful stuff and I still am well!! Feel free to e-mail me directly as I don't get time to visit the curezone site often. Best of luck, Pooterlady