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Echinacea: a brief share...
I had family visiting and when they left on Wed morning, I was really tired, and stressed out. My throat felt odd, lots of swallowing, clearing of throat, just knew I was coming down with some type of head/throat cold.
I started using Unys' echinacea tinct, took several dropperfuls 5-6 times on Wed. and then again on Thursday. I also took some Lobelia, (a dropperful, here and there)just in case 'it' tried to settle in my lungs. Drank hot herbal teas too.
On Friday, I felt great, and today even more so, I still take both, but not at the dosage I was. Maybe once or twice a day.
This is the first time that I relied on these two tinctures solely, and used them aggressively, and I'm thrilled that I healed so quickly...
When our new moon rolls around this month, guess what I'll be brewing up? a gallon perhaps? And I'm gonna let it brew as long as possible. If we would all use this regularly like once a day, I believe we'd never get sick (smilin).
Thanks Uny, for a great tincture and for helping me to get started.....momo