here is some help for the person with Parkinson's
I was answering how to help parkinsons on antoher forum and thought I would put the info here if anyone needed it.
With a comprehensive health building program and a life style change, others with Parkinson's have been cured with no tremors within 6 months to a year with only occasional relapse if they eat bad or something once they were on this health building program.
I will tell you how they did this below and via the links I will provide for you. There is hope for someone withh Parkinson's no matter how bad or one's age and if the person goes on the "save your life" program (dr schulze's incurables program), it will also help any other disease one may have as well as it works by building such a high level of health (if you do the save your life program entirely) that the body has what it needs to cure itself, but it takes hard work and someone willing to make the necessary changes but there is hope.
one also needs to take nervine herbs (some are listed below)
Be sure you take nutritional yeast (torula) for the best source of b vitamins. It is yellowish flakes get it at the health food store or coop it is often in the bulk section along with the next thing which is like waxy yellow balls (granular lecithin) together with the nutritional yeast (maybe a tbs or more) add it with granular lecithin in a smoothie, nut butter, or applesauce etc take this throughout the day every 3 or 4 hours or so to keep a steady supply of b vitamins throughout the body.
Vitamin tablets are pretty useless..getyour b vitamin in the form of superfoods Also take superfood..if making it based on the formula manual one part of each herb and then double the volume by adding equal part of all the combined herbs and nutritional yeast (torula)..but still take additional torula and lecithin and other vitamin b rich foods are the are key along with the herbs.
Also do lots of body work (like massage) down the spine and any areas that are tight or problems ex--arms. legs together with the compresses mentioned below
Use antispasmodic herbs like lobelia fomentation (like a compress look it up-cloth soaked in herbal tea of lobelia)
contains more info in the incurables program which is recommended and which the man cured of parkinson was on I am certain as he put all his really ill patients on it together with things specific to your particular diseases which is what things like the nervine, antispasmodic herbs, nutrition yeast/b vitamin and deep massage on the spine etc are.
To do the incurables look over the link I just gave for what is involved..the formulas can be made yourself using bulk herbs when he gives them in the manual and watching the videos on how to make tinctures etc (email me for the video links if you can't find them), or they can be purchased at herbdoc or purchased at the link that sells the b and b tincture from a poster on here (link below)
Take black cohosh, skullcap also internally added to the lobelia and internally in the form of organic tinctures
He (dr schulze) had the parkinson's patients he is discussing in the manual "on large doses of black and blue cohosh, blue vervain, skullcap, lobelia, skunk cabbage, wild yam, the b and b tincture"(see herbal can get it here and other herb tinctures comparable to schulze's at cheaper if desired they do not have the b and b tincture at herbdoc though but there do here
also take separate doses of lobelia, (do all herbs in the form of organic or wildcrafted (grown in the wilds) tinctures, take lots of fresh juices..deep bodywork on the spine. perhaps chiropractic as well..whole body fomentations as well..can even soak in baths of these herbs
see the manual link below chapter read the whole chapter 30 but this on Parkinson's is towards the bottom also see the entire manual and read it for more on the save your life program and get formulas for it at and see the 12 videos by downloading me for the link if you don't see it
The person with Parkinson's in the manual that he is writing about in chapter 30 in the manual got to where he was having no tremors at all in less than a year. maybe 6-8 months before that they were lessened and they were gone except for once every 7-10 days and then by year's end they were gone occasionally when he fell off his program or ate badly he would have relapses.
also see page 495 of save yourr life manual also page 498
here are some other antispasmodic herbs again in the form of organic tinctures only as these are 7-10 times higher in the plant chemicals that prevent and cure diseases and in the most absorbable form..capsuled herbs are essentially useless
it is very important to get b vitamin (in natural not pill form by eating the torula yeast, lecithin and other b vitamin foods. I would also take schulze's superfood.
the links to the chapter and pages on it I mentioned are in the sources below
Also stimulate the immune system (example with raw garlic, organic tinctures of echinacea, astragalus, Asian ginseng, etc) for this disease.
here are some other immune strengthening things