So true - I get this on a horse forum all the time because what I share tends to pull people outside of their box because my thinking is often VERY outside of the box. :-)Quite a few people really hate it. They hate it so much that they become vicous and verbally abusive. They even stalk me for that reason, just to push me down.
In addition, if one takes a stand once in a while and pulls them onto their own carpet, you get flag from the mods because apparently dishing out and taking it is OK, but not pushing back, no matter how verbally abusive the other person has been. This is what I do not get.
Funny thing is, I don't need to be right all the time, as they tend to accuse me of. In reality it is those verbally abusive folks who need to be right all the time because of their deep seated insecurities. In addition, turns out that I am usually mostly right too anyway....grin