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Re: How to Help my Dad for his 50th Birthday.
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Re: How to Help my Dad for his 50th Birthday.

Good information from Don and Pioneer.

One of the best, almost immediate, fixes for high blood pressure is a good chiropractic adjustment.

Now, you have to remember they lowered the parameters for high B/P. Now they want everyone to be 120/80. If you're above that they say you have high B/P and of course require the meds to correct it. Which is rediculis.

The old "rule of thumb" on B/P was: 100 plus your age over 80-100. So if your Dads B/P is at the 140 mark technically he doesn't even have high B/P.

Stress is another contributing factor. Especially with the contrived economic disaster we're in the middle of. Mental gymnastics resolves that. Meditation, deep breathing techniques, etc.

So, how to bring down elivated B/P is a loaded question. Lots of natural ways to do so.

If he's in resonably good health the Cheyenne pepper and a couple good adjustments will probably do the trick. If he's obese he's got other problems to address. If he's had prolonged illness he's got still other problems to address. So there's no simple answer without considerably more information.

But still, it's a good question, thanks for asking.



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