Hey, thanks for the reply. hate to ask this but what was the out come of your brother & sister. are they ok now?have you seen great resolves with useing Essiac Tea? I have read so much about Oleander and iP6 that I bought the plant and plaining on making the soup remedey from it. what's she is going through now is the worse I seen her. after the surgury she couldn't walk with out a walker. now after all the chemo/ radation treatments she is walking again, slowly but, walking. the radation has got her skin on her body flaking off like a sun burn. I told her no more radation. but, I know she won't leason and she will end up doing it. I'm hopin' I can get her to take the Oleander & ip6 and get her to try the Essiac Tea. I will get you posted what happens. thanks, ken