Testing B complex now, very promising results
Last year I managed to keep the SD under control with olive oil and
Sea Salt . I've written about it here. Before that I tested everything subscribed by doctors, fungicides, cortisone - good effect but limited and diminishing over time to the point of becoming useless.
I got tired of this cumbersome oil/salt regime every night so I continued my search for a more convenient solution.
A few months ago I found some evidence B vitamin complex might work, many of the SD symptoms in fact match some aspects of B vitamin deficiency. You can check this out by yourselves by googling a little.
So I got some regular inexpensive B-complex off the shelf, contains the daily dose of all B vitamins in a dosage of two pills per day.
After a week I experienced a marked relief in SD symptoms, then I got it back with a vengeance for a week. Now after a month it seems to have stabilized.
I'm now totally free of SD symptoms with no other treatment than the daily B complex dose. That's amazing to say the least.
If you try this, remember that it takes quite some time (many years) to develop a B vitamin deficiency so you must expect the treatment to take some time as well to build up the vitamin B reserves in the body. It can take months up to years, reportedly.
Good luck and have patience with this potential *cure*, the change will not happen over night if it is in fact B vitamin deficiency you are suffering from and giving these symptoms.
Having B vitamin deficiency is easily established through blood samples. Never took any tests like these but trial and error seems to have guided me in the right direction.
I would recommend seeing a doctor to check for this, you see there are also medical conditions where your body cannot take up certain B vitamins and then these must be corrected, just taking B vitamins wouldn't be effective in that case.