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Re: Brucella
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Re: Brucella

this can challenge if the most devout optimist. i'm doing my best to forge forward while taking actions to support my life force. like what are my choices??

The only other choice is not a valid choice, forget it and move on.

>> in the mean time is BE helpful for this?
Only if it cycles through your blood, but sometimes keeping the blood clean can give your immune system enough of boost to take care of a minor flare up.

>> brucella a lyme coinfection
Brucella is a bio weapon anyone low in GSH is infected.

i may have to put it on a credit card but my options are go with the $500. model and would that help what i got? is it the same principal as rife? or is it better just to buy the expensive model. i'm not real mathmatically inclined, so i'm afraid i won't be able to figure it out. NP, you said i can buy them from Jeff? have to go back and look but i just put them in my computer and link up device to mac computer?

I have said it a hundred times now, if you can't afford the F165 the F125 works. IF you combine it with an EMX then you will only run two channels at a time anyhow so the F125 is all you need. Plus you can upgrade later on.

Once you have the software installed on you computer you can copy files to your F100 and create new ones etc.
A good chunk of the CAFL is downloadable and making new DNA ones is simple.


Mycoplasma - The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases



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