Dreams in Islam
What, then, have the dreams in this work shown—what is their significance? This is best shown in tabular form, for some selected dreams.
1 Good deeds -~ Pleasure of Allah -~ His Reward (Sustenance—River of Milk—Beautiful Wife as Pure and Holy Companion—Blessed luxury which is eternal, also symbolised by pearl necklaces, earrings).
2 Belief in Hereafter -~- Praise of Allah -~- Pleasure of Allah-~Beautiful Wife -~ Blessed Wedding.
3 Pilgrimage (Hajj) leads to great reward. The importance of praying for one’s parents and its great merit. Blessed Hereafter symbolised by worldly values—golden shoes, watch, clothes, furniture and so on.
4 Blessed Wife and Blessed Children as Gifts from Allah Almighty.
5 Good deeds -~- Castles and rivers of Paradise. Gifts in abundance.
7 Blessing of the Surah Fatiha of the Holy Quran. Desirability of asking for the good of this world and the next.
50 The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) will intercede with Allah Almighty on behalf of those who remember him in this world. One to whose eyes tears come in the way of Islam is indeed on the right path.
58 Death is inevitable and the good Muslim should prepare himself for it in advance, in the hope and faith that his or her Judgement and destiny Hereafter be favourable.
107 The effort of one who strives in the way of Islam is not wasted, even if he or she is unsuccessful.
133, 147 The grave of one who does good deeds will be a spacious and welcome home, in which the dead person will experience the Blessing of Allah Almighty. (In contrast, the grave of a wicked person is as Hell.)
136 Proclaiming Glory of Allah Almighty -~- abode in Paradise.
144, 149 Allah has Might and Power which can terrify His creatures. To be safe from His wrath, one must seek His forgiveness and only He can forgive. In other words, the only escape from Allah’s anger is His mercy.
150 In (the events of) sunrise and sunset are signs for those who believe in Allah Almighty. They illustrate a little of His Might, Power and Glory, since it is He who has given order to the universe.
151, 159, 160 To feed animals or help them in their need is righteousness.
156 Knowledge of Islam and the Hereafter is Light, whereas ignorance of the Truth and Reality is darkness.
170 Anyone who suffers from nightmares should remember the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him).
172 To serve one’s parents has great reward.
174 Those who do not believe in Allah have been led astray by Satan.
The vast majority of the dreams are self-explanatory. With an acquisition of greater knowledge of the Islamic religion, the reader will be able to infer his or her own conclusions from the dreams (similar to those above).
May Allah bless the believing men and believing women and Muslim men and Muslim women.
Allahumma Ameen—Author
1. These features are meant to convey purity.
Jewellery can be owned in this world, but the jewellery seen in these religious dreams is in a class of its own—it is simply impossible to benefit from such wonders in this life. "Pearls" and "Gold" are simply labels to convey their value. Really the lustre and form of the jewellery in religious dreams is indescribable.
2. (In Paradise, there are lofty mansions)
Beneath them flow
Rivers (of delight): (such is)
The Promise of Allah:
Never doth Allah fail in
(His) promise.
(XXXIX, 20)
Say: Shall I give you
Glad tidings of things
Far better than those (of this present life)?
For the righteous are Gardens
In the nearness to their Lord
With rivers flowing beneath;
Therein is their eternal home;
With companions pure (and holy):
And the good pleasure of Allah.
(III, 15)
On the other hand, for those
Who fear their Lord,
Are Gardens, with rivers
Flowing beneath, therein
Are they to dwell (forever)— A gift from the Presence
Of Allah, and that which is
In the Presence of Allah
Is the best (bliss)
For the righteous.
(III, 198)
3. These figures in themselves are not significant. The expense signifies Allah Almighty’s generous bestowal.
4. "Nikah"—Usually an "Imam," or learned Muslim priest, conducts the marriage ceremony and recites the sermon. In this dream, however, Allah Almighty Himself bothers to conduct the sermon—perhaps signifies Allah’s pleasure with Mr. X., who may have done righteous deeds in His way.
5. "Kaajal" or mascara (not that of this world).
6. When the eyes are closed, there is darkness. This darkness vanished, and the vision came.
7. Signifies honour and status.
8. Allah Almighty is King of Kings and The Owner of Sovereignty. Whosoever does righteous deeds to please Him, Allah will raise
his or her status to that of King or Queen in the next (eternal) world.
9. Allah Almighty, obviously, cannot be seen in dreams, but a voice, not His, which represents I-us intentions, is heard.
11. Hajj.
12. Thy Lord hath decreed That ye worship none but Him,
and that ye be kind
To parents. Whether one
Or both of them attain
Old age in their life,
Say not to them a word
Of contempt, nor repel them,
But address them
In terms of Honour
And out of kindness
Lower to them the wing
Of humility, and say:
"My Lord! Bestow on them
Thy Mercy even as they
Cherished me in childhood."
(XVII, 23-24)
(When man is at
an age of full strength)
He says, "0 my Lord!
Grant me that I may be
Grateful for Thy favour
Which Thou has bestowed
Upon me, and upon both
My parents, and that I
May work righteousness
Well-pleasing to Thee,
And be gracious to me
In my seed. Truly
Have I turned to Thee
And truly do I bow
(To Thee) in Islam.
Such are they from whom
We (Allah) shall accept the best
Of their deeds and pass by
Their ill deeds: (they shall
Be) among the Companions
Of the Garden: a promise
Of truth, which was
Made to them
(In this life).
(XLVI, 15-16)
13. Children are gifts from Allah Almighty. Hence, the more the children, the greater the number of gifts.
14. Muslim females have to cover their legs, bosoms and hair. See Holy Quran and Hadith regarding MODESTY in dress.
15. If Mr. X. was fined fifteen castles, how many castles must Allah Almighty have granted to him?
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds,
Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgement,
You only do we worship, and Your help do we seek, show us the
straight way, the way of those on whom You have bestowed Your
Grace, Those whose portion is not Wrath, and who go not astray.
17. "O our Lord, give us good things in this world and give us good things in the next world, and save us from the torture of the fire."
18. Paradise.
19. Perhaps because Mr. X. had sent blessings to the Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) frequently.
20. Rosary.
21. "They said: ‘Glory be to Thee: of Knowledge—We have none, save what Thou Hast taught us: in truth It is Thou Who art Perfect in Knowledge and Wisdom."
(II, 32)
22. Paradise.
Their Lord doth give them
Glad tidings of a Mercy.
From Himself, of His good pleasure,
And of Gardens for them.
Wherein are delights
That endure:
They will dwell therein,
forever, Verily in Allah’s Presence
Is a reward, the greatest (of all).
(IX, 21-22)
23. Indicates informality—and what better friend than an Apostle of Allah (except Allah Almighty Himself)?
25. Perhaps rewards for procurement of Knowledge.
26. The Holy Prophet (May the
Peace and Blessings of Allah
and His Nearness be upon him)
27. Allah has revealed
(from time to time)
The most beautiful Message
In the form of a Book,
Consistent with itself,
(Yet) repeating (its teaching
In various aspects):
The skins of those who
Fear their Lord tremble
Thereat; then their skins
And their hearts do soften
To the celebration of
Allah’s praises. Such is
The guidance of Allah:
(XXXIX, 23)
The Revelation of the Book (Quran) is from God, the Exalted in Power, Full of Wisdom.
28. Possibly the black colour denotes Mr. W.’s pessimism.
29. These were invisible in the dream too, but Mr. W. sensed that they were present.
30. See "Lofty Mansions," Quran XX)(IX, 20.
31. Verses glorifying Allah Almighty.
32. Thou wilt recognise
In their faces
The beaming brightness of Bliss
33. Robe, as in Arab countries.
34. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) has said: "A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. He should neither oppress nor trouble him. A person who fulfills the needs of his brother Muslim, Allah will fulfill his needs. A person who saves a Muslim from calamities, Allah will save him from calamities on the Day of Judgement. A person who conceals the faults of a Muslim on the Day of Judgement, Allah will conceal his faults. (Bukhari)
35. But it is for those
Who fear their Lord
That lofty mansions,
One above another,
Have been built.
(XXXIX, 20)
36. Again, this dream conveys the "Bliss" (extreme delight) of Paradise.
37. Cannot be described—see again "Lofty Mansions" mentioned earlier.
38. See #35.
39. Allah, there is no God but He,
The Living, the Self-Subsisting Eternal,
No sleep can seize Him, nor slumber
His are all the things in heaven
and on earth.
Who is there who can intercede
In his Presence,
Except as He permitteth?
He knows what (appears to his
Creatures as before, or after or behind them),
Nor can they encompass any of
His knowledge except as
He wills:
His throne does extend over the
heavens and the earth,
And he feels no fatigue
In guiding and preserving them,
For He is the Most High,
the Supreme (In Glory).
This is the AYAT AL-KURSI
The ‘Verse of the Throne.’
40. O’ Allah!
O’ Muhammed!
41. Truly the Righteous
Will be in bliss:
On Thrones (of Dignity)
Will they command a sight
(Of all things)
(They will be) On Thrones
Encrusted (with gold
And precious stones)
(LVI, 15)
42. Such in truth are the Believers:
They have grades of dignity
With their Lord, and forgiveness,
And generous sustenance
(VIII, 4)
43. Implies that the pet had complete freedom, and was not kept as a prisoner by force, but was kept by its own consent.
44. Verses testifying to the Glory of God.
45. Traditions of the Holy Prophet Peace be upon him (The Holy Prophet Muhammed).
46. The fourth prayer to be read at dusk or "sunset."
47. Mr. X. urged the family to begin with BISMALLAH - IR -RAHMAN - IR - RAHEEM, "(I begin in) The Name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful." (This secures great reward in the next world.)
48. Please see overlay.
49. Friday prayers—obligatory.
Faith | Prayer | Charity | Fasting | Pilgrimage |
51. Those in Paradise will be among Lote-trees without thorns, Among Talh trees with flowers (or fruits) piled one above another—In shade long-extended, by water flowing constantly, and fruit in abundance, whose season is not limited, nor (supply) forbidden...(LVI, 28-33)
52. The lady Ayesha (may Allah Almighty be pleased with her) reported the Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as saying:
"Select (fit) women (in respect of character) for your
seed (children), and marry your equals and give (your)
daughters) in marriage to them." (IBN MAJA)
Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him) reported the Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as saying:
"A woman is married on account of four things; on
account of her wealth, and on account of (the nobility
of) her family, and her beauty, and on account of her
character; so attain success with the one possessing
nobility of character." (BUKHARI)
The Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be
upon him) is reported to have said:
"The best of treasures is a pious wife."
53. gold
54. See note 13.
55. And spend in charity
For the benefit of
Your own Souls:
And those saved from
The covetousness of their own
Souls, - they are the ones
That achieve prosperity
If ye loan to Allah
(Give in the way of Allah)
a beautiful loan, He
Will double it to
Your (credit), and He
Will grant you Forgiveness
(LXIV, 16-17)
And the likeness of those
Who spend their substance,
Seeking to please Allah
And to strengthen their souls,
Is as a garden, high
And fertile: heavy rain
Falls on it but makes it yield
A double increase
Of harvest, and if it receives not
Heavy rain, light moistute
Sufficeth it. Allah seeth well
Whatever ye do
(II, 265)
And whatever ye spend
In Charity and devotion,
Be sure Allah knows it all
(II, 270)
Those who (in charity)
Spend of their goods
By night and by day
In secret and in public,
Have their reward
With their Lord:
On them shall be no fear,
Nor shall they grieve
(II, 274)
O ye who believe!
Let not your riches
Or you children divert you
From the remembrance of Allah.
If any act thus
The loss is their own
And spend something (in charity)
Out of the substance
Which we have bestowed
On you, before death should come to
Any of you, and he should say,
‘0 my Lord! Why didst
Thou not give me
Respite for a little while?
I should then have given
(Largely) in charity, and I
Should have been one
Of the doers of good’
(LXIII, 9-10)
56. Ablution performed before ritual prayer.
57. probably the verses from the Quran.
58. The call to prayer.
59. See Holy Quran and Hadith above those who fight, and are slain, in the way of Allah Almighty. See also Dream No. 52—page 60.
60. As a matter of respect, it has been decided not to name the prophet concerned.
Whoever obeys God and the Messenger,
They are with those unto whom God has
Shown favour of the prophets and saints
And the Martyrs and the righteous.
The best of company are they!
(IV, 69)
61. "Glory be to God."
62. It must be stressed that on the Thursday of this dream, Mr. X. had trained Mr. A. to read the prayer by the virtue of which he might be granted the status of a martyr by Allah Almighty’s reckoning.
Prayer to secure status of Martyr:
O Allah! Bless me in death and what follows after death
The Holy Prophet Peace be upon him (The Holy Prophet Muhammed) stated that one who recites the above verses twenty-five times...may get the status of a martyr. (Islam)
63. And with fruits,
Any that they may select (LVI, 20)
64. Guard strictly
Your (habit of) prayers,
Especially the Middle Prayer (ASR),
And stand before Allah
In a devout (frame of mind)
(II, 238)
Men who celebrate
The praises of Allah
Standing, sitting,
And lying down on their sides
(III, 191)
And celebrate the praises
Of thy Lord the while
Thou standest forth,
And for part of the night
Also praise thou him,— And at the retreat
of the stars
(LII, 48-49)
65. The ninth month in the Muslim year—the month in which the Holy Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet Peace be upon Him (The Holy Prophet Muhammed), and the month of fasting.
66. Festival to celebrate the end of the month of fasting.
67. Traditional greeting exchanged on the occasion of the Festival of Eid.
68. These names have not been revealed in this study.
69. See note No. 68.
70. Call to prayer.
71. Ablution.
O ye who believe!
When ye prepare
For prayer, wash
Your faces, and your hands,
(And arms) to the elbows;
Rub your heads (with water);
And (wash) your feet
To the ankles
(V, 6)
O ye who believe!
Approach not prayers
(in a state)
Of ceremonial impurity
Until after washing
Your whole body....
(IV, 43)
72. The person who proclaims the Adhan.
73. "Adhan" is the call to Salaat, from the minaret of a Mosque.
74. To every people did We
Appoint rites (of sacrifice)
That they might celebrate
The name of Allah over
The sustenance He gave them
From animals (fit for food).
But your God is One God:
Submit then your wills to Him
(In Islam) and give thou
The good news to those
Who humble themselves
To those whose hearts,
When Allah is mentioned,
Are filled with fear,
Who show patient perseverance
Over their afflictions, keep up
Regular prayer, and spend
(In charity) out of what
We have bestowed upon them
The sacrificial camels
We have made for you
As among the Symbols from
Allah: in them (is much)
Good for you: then pronounce
The name of Allah over them
As they line up (for sacrifice):
When they are down
On their sides (after slaughter),
Eat yet thereof, and feed
Such as (beg not but)
Live in contentment,
And such as beg
With due humility: thus have
We made animals subject
To you, that ye
May be grateful.
It is not their meat
Nor their blood, that reaches
Allah: it is your piety
That reaches Him: He
Has thus made them subject
To you, that ye may glorify
Allah for His guidance to you
And proclaim the Good News
To all who do right
(XXII, 34-37)
75. And say, 0 My Lord
Increase me in knowledge
(II, 114)
76. This number represents "Bismallah Hir-Rahmaii-Nir-Rahim"— "(I begin in) The name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful."
77. The late afternoon prayer—the third, and middle one, of the five prayers.
78. This means, "I seek
forgiveness of Allah;
surely Allah is oft
Forgiving, Merciful."
When those come to thee
Who believe in our Signs,
Say: "Peace be on you:
Your Lord has inscribed
For Himself (the rule
of) Mercy: verily,
If any of you did evil
In ignorance, and thereafter
Repented and amended
(His conduct), Lo! He is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful"
(VI, 54)
He (Allah) is the One that accepts
Repentance from His Servants
And forgives sins;
And He knows all
That ye do
(XLII, 25)
79. Kalimahs are Declarations of Faith.
First Declaration of faith
There is no god (worthy of worship) but Allah, Muhammed
(Peace be upon him) is the Prophet of Allah.
Second The Code of Evidence
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah. He is the One and has no partner. I also bear witness that Muhammed (Peace be upon him) is His Servant and His Prophet.
Third The Code of Exaltation
Allah is free from all defects. All the praises belong to Allah. Allah is the Great. There is no power and no might except with Allah; He is the Supreme and the Great.
Fourth The Code of Unity of Allah
There is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is the One and has no partner. Sovereignty belongs to Him, and He deserves all the praise. It is He Who gives life and causes death. He lives for ever and never shall He die. He possess Greatness and Respect. In His hand is all the good. He has the Power to do all things.
Fifth The Code of Apology
O, Allah! You are my Lord. There is none worthy of worship except You. You created me and I am Your servant. And I shall abide by Your Promise and Your Covenant to (the best of) my strength. I seek Your Refuge from the sins I have committed. I acknowledge Your Favour which You bestowed on me and I admit my sins. Forgive me indeed. None can forgive sins but You.
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