Re: sores on gums, advice needed
Sorry if I missed something..
I was wondering if you have USED the mouthwash?
From what I recall, you should NOT use lime juice in the mouthwash because the acid in your mouth will activate the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Maybe that is what went wrong.
I had what I think was an infection in my back mouth where my wisdom teeth were just 3 days ago...when I had my wisdom teeth out, they got REALLY infected. I was in excruciating pain for 11 days...And just the other day, it seemed like the infection was released because it began hurting all over again, plus some type of cut was was weird.
I started the mouthwash in the recipe at my blog and within 2 1-2 days, the cut and the redness and soreness in the empty space is gone.
So, maybe you could try it without the lime juice..I think that is the problem.