Re: Dowsing (Miasm's) and biofeedback - EDIT
Hmm- read's the same computer test (MSAS Professional) FDA approved :)
The test was done in Canada :
The first part of it:
The suspicion that the influence of electromagnetic waves and fields emitted by
televisions, radios, microwaves ovens, computers,
Cell Phone s, etc. have a
negative, lasting impact on the human health system, has become – with an
increasing number of worldwide studies – a virtual certainty. Many so called
modern illnesses of today’s civilization (in particular allergies) seem to be
released and/or exaggerated by these electromagnetic influences.
According to the ARNDT-SCHULTZ-RULE, it is the weak and small doses that
have particularly strong influences in their effect on biological systems, releasing
clearly measurable reactions. After an accumulation of negative influences in the
course of months or years, pre-pathological and ultimately pathological reactions
can be observed and changes occur in the human organism.
The rule applied to determine in preliminary tests,
A) Whether and which causal influences have a changing effect on humans
when exposed to the range of EMF-radiating technologies, and
B) Which substantiating testing methods can be used when evaluating
human energy systems, and are they suitable to show the qualitative and
quantitative effects of such technical influences (i.e. EMFs).
Many functional or energy medical devices, such as the BioMeridian MSAS
Professional testing device used in this study are assessed on the research of Dr.
Reinhold Voll. Voll established that there is a network of energy channels, called
meridians, flowing through the body. Meridian points, some of which correlate to
acupuncture points, can be used to collect energetic data. Dr. Voll demonstrated
that the body's organs are associated with different energy meridians.
Imbalances in various organs are believed to manifest themselves as energetic
disturbances in the associated meridians. These energetic meridians are also
highly responsive to external stressors, almost immediately. This study will take
advantage of this fact.
As sufficiently sensitive and reactive measuring points, the acupuncture systems
with its meridians and points – in particular the points of terminal AL 1 and E1 at
the hands, as well as the E21 reciprocally the head – were chosen.
The points chosen were:
AL 1: Allergy point.
3E1: Adrenal, stress index point.
3E21: Hypothalamus point to measure local response of EMF stress.