--How to determine if info from a person contains Deception--
Hi Ya'll,
Here are some of the things I utilize to determine if the person making Claims be it by scientific research or other that something is as they Claim may be Deception:
1st I look to see the background of the person speaking of if they believe in their Creator or have Rejected their Creator !
Any time I find the person has Rejected their Creator it is obvious they have been Deceived and their ideas will have False info imbeded within them !
For only from our Creator comes Truth about our existance and How to Live in Harmony with Nature !
Thus anyone who holds to the idea of Evolution that man evolved from lower Life forms and other Species of Life forms is deceived, for this is Impossible !
Why is this Impossible?
Each Species has a Specific Energy Frequency that determines it to be so and a change from this Frequency means a Different Species!
While there is much Variation within Species and this is allowed by the Micro-frequencies which allows for the adaptation to our environment !
Yet the Major Frequency will not allow the Species to change into another Species !
What other ways to determine when a person is Deceived?
Anytime the person thinks themself More Important than others, this automatically throws up Red flags !
Anytime the person denounces Nature and puts his Trust in Man's Scientific Research above the Power and Simpleness of Nature !
Anytime the person thinks themself to be able to take Single Elements and use Single Elements to Heal the many Sickness and Diseases facing mankind !
This idea Automatically points out that they have gotten a Big head, just like Satan has !
Anytime folks Seek to go against Nature and Refuse to work in Harmony with Nature, this is a Clear sign the Truth is Far from them !
Worldly Educated mankind is the Main Cause for mankinds Deception and Destruction !
Those Simple of mankind whom have to Live with Nature be it a Simple Life know that they must learn to Live in Harmony with Nature or Nature will Destroy them !
When we choose --NOT-- to Live in Harmony with Nature we are signing our own Death warrant !
This is the Foolishness of mankind !
Cause and Effect !
Choose Life or Death this Day !
Smile Tis your choice.