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how to coordinate the cleanses?
- serafina - Views: 1,715
Published: 16 y

how to coordinate the cleanses?

Hi! I'm in need of getting my body back to balance and I'm contemplating the different options here on CZ.

I have no doubts about my desire to do several rounds of Humaworm, and that's a given. That would be a round then a pause of 90 days, correct?
But I also would like to do some cleanses, and I see that you offer products for them. How do you coordinate the whole thing? do you do the other cleanses during the 90 days pause? in the site it says, 15 days on and off, should I cleanse one organ many rounds and then another organ many rounds or mix it all up? and how do I know when an organ is ok?
I also read it is suggested to take a liver flush before and one after the humaworm, what kind of LF would it be? there are many versions around.

Now about Humaworm. I'd like to take a round now, but in august I'm going for a month in Sri Lanka. Should I wait for that month to be taking the treatment, so that to protect myself also from newcomers, besides eliminating the oldies (doing some good colon cleanse while waiting for august to come)? or should I not wait and instead begin it now and have a second round in september-october?

I don't know how toxic I am. My diet has always been pretty good, I've been most of my life vegetarian/vegan. But my health isn't going too well. After pregnancy I took up a lot of weight, and now after 5 years of obesity I'm having serious problems with my feet, that can be justified by the mechanical stress of carrying too much load but there's something more to it.

A last question, I saw in your site that you can't deliver to Germany, too bad I live in Berlin! what can we do to get around this thing? I have relatives in Italy and Norway, if that can be of any help.



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