I agree with Anthony. You need to take several enemas each being larger
volume than the previous one. Say for the 1st enema you take 3 cups
then the next should be larger say 5 cups and each succeeding enema
should be larger until you reach an enema of 2 quarts. This is called a
series enema.
Also for maximum cleansing I always take a series soapsuds enema. It
takes a long time to take a successful series enema. I always set aside
4 hours for a complete cleansing series enema. You can read about it in
my Blog. (See below)
I use a 4-quart enema bag with a soft flexible bulb nozzle.
I find that taking an enema, when needed, gives me quick relief. Before
going on a diet or restricting your food intake, I feel that you need
to go on a bowel cleanse followed by a kidney/bladder flush and then do
a liver flush. When you have done all this then go on a diet and not
too strict. Be lenient with yourself. Allow yourself to have some
fun food every once in the while.
For more info on enemas you can read my Blog under M and titled “My
challenge by propaul”. Not all applies to you but I am sure you can
choose what you need.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions and I will try to answer them.
Here are some excerpts from previous forum messages:
“Hi ..........................,
I use either Dr, Bonner’s castile soap with peppermint or Rojo’s
Enterprise peppermint castile soap. Both of these soap are in liquid
form. I use 1 teaspoon per quart of water.
My first enema may be 2 or 3 cups, my next 1 to 1 ½ quarts, the
following would be usually a full 2 quarts. I do not change solutions.
I stay with the soapsuds until I am completely “cleaned out”. Then,
depending on the purpose of my cleanse, I either take a coffee
retention enema, or a plain salt water enema to flush out the soap.
Again depending on the purpose, either 5 to 8 hours later or the next
day, I take a hi-garlic enema or repeat the cleansing enema.
When I am on a bowel cleansing fast, I drink at least 5 PBC shakes a
day plus a lot of water and take deep cleansing soapsuds enemas every
day of the fast. This insures that I get rid of all the toxins from my
I trust that this answers you questions. If you need any further info, please do not hesitate to contact this forum.”