Surgery to remove merina iud
Hi all! I had a merina iud inserted 18 months ago after my 2nd baby was born. About six month ago i started heavy bleeding for three weeks out of every four for about three months. I decided to start on the pill hoping to have the iud removed a week later. My gp could not find the strings, went to the doc that put the thing in, shecould not find the string, went to a gynocologist, he could not find the strings.
Went on public hospital waiting list to have surgery to remove iud. Yesterday my husband drove me to hospital, waited for four hrs before my name was called, in surgery for 1hr. As soon as i woke up i asked the nurse "successfull?" she said No, but they broke the string trying to pull it out!! Im now back on the waiting list and willl most probably be cut open next time to get rid of this damned thing!!
Also i was reading other posts about thyroid problems linked with the merina iud????? I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid 6 months after the iud was inserted.
Anyone thinking of getting the iud, please dont!!
Anyone thinking off taking legal action please let me in on it!!!!!!!!