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Re: your experience
jana Views: 2,372
Published: 22 y
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Re: your experience

Hi Jep,

My experience was it is definitely not enough to do just one or two colonics (although better than nothing, of course).
I was also taking Homozon, which among other things softens all the fecal matter, so it was easier to flush out. I don't know where to get that, so you might have to do some web search (the one I have is my friend's and he lost the contact info). I would imagine taking some herbal laxative tea night before might do nice enough job.

As I said, after 8 colonics, there was still vast amount of stuff coming out. As for how I felt, can't say anything specific other than feeling lot lighter, cleaner and levelheaded. I was comitted to doing colonics as long as it took for me to experience some changes (nobody can tell for sure, how do you know, that all junk is gone and its time to stop).
(And yes it could get somewhat expensive at 60 bucks a session, but I blew money in my life on lot more worthless stuff....)
In the meantime I got inspired to start doing a Master Cleanse, a fast, that you can read about under Fasting Forum and Lemonade Diet here on Curezone. Among other things you take this salt water that reams you out thouroughly each day (I take it every other day).
My last colonics showed hardly anything coming out, so now I'm thinking, maybe I should have done the MCleanse right away and would save all the money I spent on colonics... It definitely cleanses you out thoroughly including the colon.

Well, in retrospect, I guess it was great the way it happened for me, because now the fast is just a breeze, I was afraid I wouldn't make it past day 2 with the history of hypoglycemia that I had for years, and I am on day 6.
Feel great, body feels lighter, no indigestion, of course,
I am really loving it. Lot of people seemed to have hard time especially at the beginning of the fast, it has just been a breeze for me so far. AND I believe it was because lot of the crud I already got rid of via the colonics.

It is of course too soon to tell just how effective this all was, but I will post here after I get done, so you can compare notes. Or you can email me at


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