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Masks - Making lemonaid....
Savagegrace Views: 1,602
Published: 16 y
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Masks - Making lemonaid....

...and limiting your downside.

Stating that these masks are useless is untrue.

The masks they are wearing are some of the better fit ones I've seen. (rather than being semi hard "preformed" cone types that are prone to "gaps")

Yes, a percentage of air will flow through "gaps".

But, there is a charge on the mask which will help "pull" the charged water droplets to it.

As long as they are not in a "high contamination" area, I'd have no problem giving those masks a rating as high as 70% effectiveness.

But who the hell wants to take that chance?

Much less give yourself a false sense of security, and therefore place yourself into real danger!

Some of us will be forced into "high probability of contamination" situations.

Such as being forced to go to a hospital, being on a plane, bus or areas of high people density or having a family member catch the flu!

Since most of us do not have access to DECON suits, the question arises, what steps can we take to reduce or even eliminate our risk?

Is that even possible?

These paper or cloth masks can be made highly effective by using a pull over ski mask or neoprene biking mask to force full contact against the face. (whatever forces full contact)

Full effectiveness should be achievable by using a gel along the edge of the "paper" mask so "NO" gaps occur.

Scared about the particle size your mask can handle?

Using Lugol's to give your "bad" mask a golden reddish tinge should not only complete you ensemble to high fashion, but also make it a really "bad ass mask" killing machine!




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