I'm here. And fasting is not the way to end your ED.
Hi there,
Like Steve (mouseclick) said, I have posted a couple of times about this issue. I see several people with eating disorders attempting fasts because they believe "it's the only way." As if a extreme measure could put an end to an already extreme lifestyle. That's like fighting fire with fire.
Though I have not been bulimic myself (I couldn't stand the purging) I have been anorexic and I climbed myself out of that pit. Because I'd been living on minimal food intake for such a long time, once I started eating again my brain was rigged for more food. That catapulted me into a period of non stop binging and restricting. It's like stepping on the gas and when your car gets away with a loud screech, stepping on the brakes again. At one point something's gotta give.
I tried fasting, thinking that was the solution. I fasted for 20 days. When I broke it, at first I thought I had control. After all, I hadn't eaten in 20 days. That's control, yes?
A lot of people people say will is everything. You just have to want something and then you'll do it. Most of those people have never met a real challenge. They don't know how much impact the body has on the mind and vice versa. The body and mind, though they work together are like arguing couples at times. The one never exactly knows what's going on with the other and though the rational mind might say: "don't eat that, that's bad," the body will react by screaming: "my stomach is empty, damn it! I'm starving!" I lost control. After starting out carefully, I binged. It made me feel sick and miserable and I had the weirdest symptoms ever. I got itchy allover, as if insects were crawling under my skin and my stomach felt as if it was going to explode.
I'll tell you I've seen a picture of a bulimic girl who attempted fasting like you want to, then when she broke her fast she couldn't control herself and binged.
She died of a ruptured stomach. (No joke, I can send it to you if you want.) The fasting shrunk her stomach (that's why breaking a fast is such a long and delicate process!) and the binge was far more than it could handle after such a long period of not eating. Remember those programs on TV where people who help starved African kids only feed them little bits at first? Ever wondered why? Well, now you know the answer. They would eat themselves to death. Just like you will if you do this. Like I probably almost did to myself. I got lucky. However, you have another disadvantage. The purging has put a lot of stress on your body.
I keep telling people that even though fasting can be beneficial, it is NOT meant for people with obsessive tendencies. It's downright dangerous. Fasting is best done under supervision and FOR THE RIGHT REASONS. Losing weight or cutting ties with a lifestyle that is bad to begin with are not good reasons. They are reasons to avoid fasting.
Bulimia might not be the exact same thing as being an out of control anorexic who binges and restricts, but I think our situations overlap in such a way that I can help you break your ties with your ED. If you let me. Correction: if you let YOURSELF. It's good that you realize you have an ED and want to get rid of it. That's half of the work. Now you just need to be pushed into the right direction. Fasting will push you over the cliff.
PM me if you'd like me to help with your situation. Don't worry, I'm not the kind that wants you to gain a ton of weight and then tell you you're 'cured.'
Good Luck.