The HOTTEST you can get/find! Cayenne Truths Re: Which CAYENNE for heart, healing etc - the VERY HOT cayenne, or the MILD paprika?
When used in natural health & healing, the term "cayenne" (a generic word for ANY hot pepper) refers to any pepper or a blend of peppers that is FAR hotter than the typical 'cayenne' found in health markets and grocery stores. To understand this, we go to the Scoville Heat Unit Rating of the individual peppers (commonly abbreviated H.U.,HU, or SHU).
The "typical" cayenne ground and sold in stores (and used in products like Tabasco sauce) has a HU rating of somewhere of somewhere around 35,000 to 80,000 (it's very unusual to find anything above 40,000 HU in any grocery ANYwhere in the world (except in ethnic markets that commonly use hotter peppers).
For therapeutic & healing purposes (and simply to take daily to regulate our circulatory systems and protect us against the brutal onslaught of 'daily living' in an oxygen-deprived atmosphere), we use "cayenne" peppers with HU rating of well over 100,000 HU (the hotter the better). For this purpose, we choose peppers like African Bird Peppers (100-200,000 HU) and Habaneros (200-350,000 HU).
Below is a chart that shows the various peppers and their Heat Unit ratings:
>>>Do you really give soemone who may be havign a heart attack, a tea made of 1 teaspoon of such a HOT pepper?<<<
ABSOLUTELY! Once you read the files I'm going to send you via PM after I post this, you will totally understand!!
>>>That's enough to make an entire meal hot - how could someone tolerate it when they are feeling deathly ill?<<<
Actually, a full teaspoon of 'top hot' powder is more than enough to season a gallon or two of chili :) For emergency purposes, Cayenne Tincture is much easier to take and just as effective, if not more (because it assimilates into the bloodstream even faster, since it's an alcohol based preparation). Still, a teaspoon of 'top hot' powder mixed in 8
oz of water, will stop bleeding, stroke, heart attack, and bring a person out of shock, generally by the time you can count to ten.
When we are deathly ill, is when it's MOST essential to open & regulate the circulatory system!!! Note: when using the powder for 'general purposes', we work up to a full teaspoon 3x daily - starting at 1/8 of a teaspoon and adding an 1/8 teaspoon every 3-7 days - unless it's an emergency and the powder is all we have 'at the ready'. Cayenne is HEALING and 100% SAFE (it doesn't actually burn anything, it only gives the sensation of burning). 'Want a nightmare of REAL harm? Take someone that's 'deathly ill' to the hospital! They'll be fed genetically modified food, toxic overcooked worthless vegetables,
White Sugar , white flour, unnatural sweetners, and meats/dairy laden with growth hormones and toxins and injected with pharmaceuticals that compromises their liver AND their body (at the very least) - or sliced, carved and gutted, burned with radiation or injected with the pure poison known as chemo"therapy". ('sorry, sometimes I just HAVE to "rant" :)
We QUICKLY build up a tolerance to the hotness (both going in and going out :)
The tincture is MUCH easier to start with, and the mouth/tummy burn is generally 75%+ dissipated in less than 2 minutes.
Here's a good link for learning how to use cayenne:
“After spending almost half my life in the clinic, I learned some simple truths. One truth I learned is that all disease is caused by some sort of blockage. Whether it’s blocked blood, lymph, oxygen, nutrition, nerve impulse, emotional energy, spiritual energy, or even what the Chinese, Japanese or Indians refer to as chi, ki, or prana. When an area of the body gets blocked, it gets sick. It’s that simple. Eventually it will get diseased and even die. Cayenne, without a doubt, is the best all-around and most powerful herbal unblocker.” —
Dr. Schulze
>>>Or is it a different pepper powder you are using - what we call paprika, which is the powder made fform a sweet red pepper (capsicum)?<<<
All peppers (no matter their HU rating) are genus: capsicum.
Just fyi - If you need "cayenne" powder or tinctures, e regularly ship to Australia. And if you'd like, you can order the "good stuff" through our Storefront here:
(Cayenne powder is listed other "Under Formulas" - the tinctures are listed under "Tinctures"
Also, this is one area where I am not bothered by "bragging" about our products & prices.
Dr. Schulze 's 'cayenne line' is likely the best available on the 'net. He sells his 'powder blend' (which he erroneously claims to be 250,000 HU) for $22 for TWO OUNCES. Our is nearly twice as hot, and we sell ours for $12 for FOUR OUNCES. His tincture is $22 for ONE ounce, ours is $18 for TWO ounces, or $30 for FOUR ounces.
Be sure to check your Inbox, read the files (and eBook) and if you have any more questions after that, don't hesitate to ask!
Blessings -