Amazing. I keep meaning to read more of Dr Nara's book.
My friends wife is just about to graduate dental school and we had an interesting discussion. I told her how I get rid of infections by OPing with oregano oil rather than getting root canals.
She told me that I made a terrible mistake. That the infection is never really gone but will literally hide in the root system only to reappear to infect the rest of your teeth even years later. I asked why infections didn't work like that anywhere else in the body and her scientific explanation was "the mouth is different".
WOW! What fear mongering anti-scientific malarky is that? Yet I'm sure that fantasy is a critical tenant for the profession. Otherwise why wouldn't dentists (or patients themselves) treat gum/tooth infections with topical anti-biotics/anti-bacterials rather than destroying teeth, roots and gums with surgery?
As my Dad used to say "Anything you don't know will be used against you."