Can't stand carbs. Help?
Okay, this is weird. That's why I crossposted it.
I have a past of anorexia, binging, then fasting and binging on junkfood (oh, I'm a genius, I'm telling you....*sigh*) Anyway, during this binging period I was very tired, always out of breath and I had insomnia.
Anyway, I got myself out of that cycle and settled for a healthy lifestyle. This has been working very well. But on the days I cheat (party at my friend's, vacation, whatever) I feel like shit. It's like my body can't stand carbs. Whenever I eat bread, potatoes, rice, banana's or just junkfood, I get out of breath afterwards and I can't sleep unless someone knocks me out.
At first glance, this might not be so bad. I mean, I don't long for junk food anymore because it literally makes me feel like junk. On the other hand I wonder why it is that starch among other things makes me feel like crap. When I cheat I don't eat excessively. So it can't be the effect of binging.
Anyone have any ideas?