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fledgling Views: 2,513
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My brother has looked into the faces of several people who were about to die, and been unable to see their features.

To him, that seems like a warning.

Last summer he did a double-take on me.

I knew what he was thinking, so I smiled and told him I am going to be fine.

Later he said that half of my face had him.

My urinary urgency has mostly vanished. It may be gone permanently, but I hate to say it has to you, in case I have a recurrence...which would be temporary, I'm sure.

No one except someone who has experienced the same urgency, could possibly know the relief I feel from that one improvement alone.

Another symptom, in the area below/beside my liver/gallbladder area may be, if I guess correctly, a tapeworm, or a ball of ascaris, or something...but, I think it is outside of my digestive system. Liver flushing doesn't seem to touch it...nor does it block digestion, apparently.

It isn't particularly painful, only 'heavy' at times...and sometimes a bit achey.

It isn't cancerous...the occasional single 'bite' moves inches from the last.

There is a similar mass, though much smaller, on the other side of my midriff...outside my pancreas, I am sure.

Only this morning I realized that, if they are not in my digestive tract, and they die, then the lymph fluid will break them down and move them out as fluid.

This question has been bothering me for a long time. I have done the pinapple, figs, pumpkin seed routine several times, over at least a year, with little effect, except that the thing goes very quiet.

I know I still have a way to go in liver flushing, but the biggest stones are gone...and much of the chaff. And I believe I have a number of liver flukes to be rid of yet.

My bowel functions are much better since I learned to take HumaCleanse properly...with lots of water. In fact, the change is miraculous, for me.

I have two other 'symptoms' of other parasites I don't speak about.

People look at a person strangely when parasites of any kind are mentioned...don't you think?

So, I don't.

But I will say that these 'symptoms' are reduced. When the itching pain comes, I no longer think it is the end of the world...parasite toxins are awful, but more and more bearable.

I don't mind saying that I have, at times, been terrified of dying...and sometimes I'd have given a lot for someone to take over my care...I just didn't know what to 'do'.

However, anxiety has vanished completely, and depression, too, I believe. Depression is so sneaky. You only know you had it when you are out of it.

I've found it is closely linked to ones feelings from life experiences. One symptom of it, for me, is the feeling of discouragement, tiredness of the whole darn thing, tired of waiting, of wondering what else I 'should' be doing.

I certainly don't feel that way today!

My weight has stabilized, like a rock, at 204, which is a big improvement over the steady 254 of a couple of years ago.

Blockages in my lymph system, where nodes may be, are seldom achey any more.

And I hope dear Donna (Matchmaker) reads that my cellulite has smoothed once more. She noticed that Humaworm cleansing, with the 90-day wait, smoothes cellulite quite wonderfully.

I agree.

The 6-month wait before the last round of Humaworm was too long for mine, but a couple of weeks after round number six, and cellulite has vanished once more.

This is all probably far more than you wanted to know, and I could go on for quite a while, talking about timing, attitude, and major 'events' no one else mentions, and that I can't duplicate. I could also talk about diet, but I won't.

Herbals are food, foods we eat judiciously...every bit as important as the watermelon we eat once in a year, when the season rolls around...or the eggs I have come to expect every day. I have no idea if the chickens object.

I am 71, going on 32, Gibby...and I must tell you that my life changed radically the day I took my first 1/4 capsule dose of Humaworm.

I DIDN'T keel over dead, and grew brave enough to take another 1/4 cap dose.

The sun didn't shine at midnight, but I had begun the journey of my life.

I will never look back.

This is where I belong.

Your journey will be quite different than mine, no doubt.

I hope your pinworm irritation fades rapidly. I know more about irritations than I ever wanted to.

If you can, find a good kinesiologist, too. They are worth their weight in diamonds.

Mine teaches.

My best, Gibby.



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