The nature of Probiotics: Part 2
Ok, so we are host to a complex network of microbiota that we are highly dependent on to help maintain or health. Remember, these critters pretty much maintained themselves throughtout our evolution as a species without humans probably ever knowing that they existed. Thes bacteria began to colonize our colons at birth during the delivery process. From contact with a small amount of fecal matter from our mother upon birth, contact with bacteria from her breast and friendly flora from her milk, the colonisation began. As a natural occurance we would ingest bacteria playing out of doors and eating certain foods, so throughout our formative years these bacteria evolved and stabalised. Then the 20th century happened- the great experiment. We decided to process our food, refine it, denature it, fill it up with chemicals, strip it of nutrition, poison it with chemicals, add
Sugar and salt, and by all means kill it of any life force. Well guess what. Our gut flora gotta eat too. Do you think they like this new diet? NO THEY DON"T. To add insult to injury, bring on the Phamacuetical revolution and it destructive acid blockers and other so called medicines that rek further havoc. But nothing can compares to the assault from
Antibiotics and the immense harm they cause human health.