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Zapping intervals
Baldur Views: 1,337
Published: 15 y

Zapping intervals

I've used the F-165 as contact device for the past few weeks and all appears to be working good, but I am accumulating a bunch of questions I'd like to check with you guys about:

1. Dealing with Lyme, do you have any treatment intervals that worked well for you, and possible sequence of co-stuff you run in-between?
2. I bought DNA frequencies: should they be pulsed as well and run at a duty cycle? Could you give me an idea what this "backfreq" line might look like, if needed? I've tried a few things but so far got error readings (obviously not running with this technology yet. . .). So far I am using the 11th octave.
3. I don't have a meter, do you know what Amp output I would actually get with this device after resistance?



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