Re: Making the Most of What Happens to us
Message to Mother Wrenn
(and 9thBody):
I take off for the Natural Products Expo West tomorrow in the EG Mobile, my 68 VW van. I will be shooting spectacular photos for the Organic Trade Association banquet this Thursday night with a new camera. I had my $600.00 Olympus stolen Monday because I was doing so much
and so tired that I spaced and left it between the seats
in an open vehicle.
Beloved Mother Wrenn!!
(Wrenn rhymes with Hen)
and as Your Enchanted Gardener
I want to restow you the well deserved
honor of acknowledging you as the
Mother Wrenn of Our CureZone Family!!!!
Thank you for this early morning
(my time) restorative message
that affirms and confirms
what my morning thoughts are
as I arrise as Your Enchanted Gardener.
I am so grateful that I can be Leslie
the Wounded healer who
gets sad,
feels ashamed,
gets stuck,
makes messes,
says the wrong thing,
can manipulate,
is insensitive at times,
hurts his health by overeating
to cover pain,
has addictions,
and also to be able to be RISE
up as touch my Soul
when I leap into Your Enchanted Gardener Mode.
I was thinking this morning that this new camera
an Olympus C7070 may not be good enough.
As long as I am into losing my C5050 that did
incredible closeup work, but may not be the best
there is, after I have an incredibly successful
Natural Products Expo Show, I am going to look
into investing in the best SRL Digital that the
wonderful Olympus Company has on the market.
After all, when you decide you want a one of a kind
special photo of healing energy on the in the Wrenn
henhouse, you deserve the best from Your Enchanted
Did you know that I have had bees land on my photos
of flowers, the healing energy is that great!!!
And now that my friends at Olympus are making find
digital cameras why now give them the honor of
letting that company sponsor Your Enchanted Gardener
as he goes about his job Recording the History of
Peace on Earth?
As all, isnit that what we are each here for?
Did you imagine that you had that horrific accident
just to be in pain, or me to suffer through four--
count 'em--hip surgeries---having bones cut out--
just to lay around wimping?
This world of ours-it is intended to be an Enchanted
Garden, and you and I are its gardeners.
We are the wounded healers of the world, here
in the CureZone. We are addicted because our
brothers and sisters are addicted as well,
and someone needs to get down into the mud
of addiction, feel it totally, and then in RISING up,
rise up all of humanity.
You, my Beloved Wrenn--I will not only be thinking
of you from the Natural Products Expo West--where
millions and millions of your dollars trade hands--
I will be sending you daily updates from the Press Room
where I will have access to the finest computers.
How does a man, who is not full time press,
in a professional show where the press corp turns
out, get a press pass?
The answer is love, wrenn. The answer is always love.
You respect people. You listen.
You care. You make friends.
You build relationship, and be your self.
And then, when the press coordinator
says you may not be entitled to have a press pass
this year, you write the head of the Show,
who cares about you, and she makes sure
you get the pass that you need to do the job
you are here on earth to do.
I go to this show for a number of reasons--
One is because I am here to uphold the Heart and Soul
of Industry. I am here to identify people in the
natural foods industry who have heart and soul
in their products. I am going so I can tell you who they
Would you like a photo of anyone in particular?
One year I met Nellie (Sp?) Newman. She was great.
Another year I met Annie for Annie's Naturals.
I had already loved her Goddess Dressing. Have you
tried it? When I met here she was so moved
that she gave me one of her Goddess Tshirts and a wonderful canvas-type bag.
Yes Wrenn, it is good to have goals.
It is good as our friend Tolle says to be
in the Power of NOW.
It is good to rise up,
to rise up from Pain,
to rise up because it is our nature
to rise up,
to rise up because all nature
is rooting for us to Plant Your Dream!
Your Enchanted Gardener
Wrenn's morning message of great
cheer and good tidings:
Your Enchanted Gardeners Blog
where you can read about his journey
to the Natural Products Expo West: