Physical Information
There are certain physical formations which can influence the FS of a building.
The best is to have the home situated like an armchair, having a house on either side and a house at the back; this retains the qi for the home. All of these houses are considered to be mountains; real hills would do the same thing. If you sit on a backless bar stool and then sit in an armchair, you can experience much more security in the armchair because your back is protected. The absolute best, if you live in the right climate is to have a home built with a centre courtyard, because of the way that the energies work. Earth energy comes up from the Earth; Heaven's qi comes from above and is always changing. The two can mingle in the courtyard and then enter the home through windows and doors; the qi is always good.
At the front of the building, the land should be flat which is then considered to be water. The front walkway should be generous in size as it acts like a pond, gathering the qi which can be carried into the house.
Naturally, there are exceptions to the above rule. If a chart indicates that reverse forms are required to support the stars, then the stars must be supported. (i.e., the mountain needs to be at the front of the house and the water at the back of it) This applies to the period in which a house has been built. When time passes into the next Period, then the above rule must apply to this house also.
Roads are considered to be streams. A meandering stream is best because the qi moves at a nice, pleasant pace, bringing good fortune. If your house is at the end of a T-junction (a stop street just across from your house) or if you have a long, straight driveway, then there is too great a rush of water and you must protect your house. If you live on a busy highway, the fast qi cannot be brought to the house very easily. Large Mall parking lots help to build the qi brought in from busy roads.
There are other road configurations that could use attention.
Large trees, hydro poles, light standards, high fences, etc., are all points of interest for a FS audit. They may be good to block bad energy, or they may be blocking good energy or they may have an influence on the qi that is entering the house.