--Refractometer--Knowledge vs Wisdom--
Hi Ya'll,
Man is on an endless search for more knowledge, but after finding more knowledge may not know what to do with new found knowledge because of their Lack of Wisdom?
This may not be any more evident than when some learn about the Refractometer?
Some who have enough Common Sense and are able to use the refractometer to help them Select the Best foods to eat and do not concern themself as How and Why the refractometer is able to do this, but just goes ahead and uses the refractometer to Better their own Life !
Then we have those Worldly Educated who may have become Educated beyond their own Intelligence who may learn what a Refractometer is able to do, but they do not understand How to Improve the Quality of the plants they are testing, thus they Throw the refractometer out and Curse it !
For they think themself to be Somebody and if they are unable to know How to raise the brix readings in the Simple Plants, this may be too much reminder to them that they are --NOT-- as Smart as they want to believe themself to be?
This may be the Reason they then Throw the Refractometer out, because they cannot stand knowing they do not understand How to help the plants Brix to raise !
Classic example of those who have gotten a Big Head and cannot face the Facts of Life that they do not know as much as they want to think and or make others believe?
Some Classic examples of this may be Dole and Chiquita food companies who have supposed Experts helping them grow their crops who do not know How to raise the brix readings of their crops !
Isn't it a Hard thing to admit we do not know as much as we want to think we do and then to let others find this out?
So, it is easier for them to Deny the Refactometer than to admit they are Lacking in the needed Wisdom to grow better crops that Bugs will not eat, which would save them a Lot of Money !
Thus they continue to spend More Money to grow Poor Quality crops using More Poisons to keep the bugs away?
Now you may know Why those who may have been Worldly Educated beyond their own Intelligence have put so much effort into Bashing the Refractometer?
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.