Re: Redemption Book
...downloaded the book as well. BUT I respectfully disagree with the "free-$$- dom of information" view ...same thing as software... you want it - buy it or you are stealing... that is the fact of the matter
Born into slavery believing it is 'freedom' - because that is what it is called. If the cage door opens, the bird will not fly , to leave what is known. --One is free to remain a slave.
As I understand it from the reading thus far.... As of 1930 the United States of America declared bankruptcy along with several other countries. FDR was elected in 1932 (that would be November) to administer the bankruptcy. In January of 1933 he started immediately with removing gold coins from circulation. Replacing real money with paper receipts representing debt, FRNs.
During the FDR Administration, the United States of America with a Constitution (a de jure government) ceased to exist, since then a corporation (owned by the Corporation of England run by international bankers), called United States of America, was created (a de facto government), and established into law with the Erie R.R. v. Thompkins case (1938). Since then we have been duped into creating artificial corporate selves of our own (represented by all caps in our names) that are like employees working for the corporation of America. The various States agreed with this via compact to the several corporate states as a group, association, corporation or as a club member, they all agreed and declared bankruptcy as one government corporate group in 1938.
This corporation known as the U.S.Gov. (which includes the various corporate States, district courts in the various counties) has her own U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Parks, Post Office, etc., etc., etc. Because this corporation is claiming to be bankrupt, it freely gives its land, its personnel, and the money it steals from the Americans via the I.R.S. and its affiliated state corporations, to the United Nations and the International Bankers as payment for the debt.
When a policeman pulls you over and says that you have been doing something wrong, when no one has been injured by it, and writes you a ticket. You are dealing with an officer that is working for the corporation of America. You are being disciplined according to the violation of a corporate policy, UCC law, and not for violating any law of the land.
The UCC is the law merchant's code for the administration of the bankruptcy. The UCC is now the new law of the land as far as the courts are concerned. This Legal Committee of lawyers put everything; Negotiable Instruments, Security, Sales, Contracts/Agreements, and the whole mess under the UCC. That's where the "Uniform" word comes from. It means it was uniform from state to state as well as being uniform with the District of Columbia. It doesn't mean you didn't have the uniform instrument laws on the books before this time. It means the laws were not uniform from state to state. By the middle 1960's, every state had passed the UCC into law. The states had no choice but to adopt the newly formed Uniform Commercial Code as the law of the land. The states fully understood they had to administrate bankruptcy. Washington D.C. adopted the Uniform Commercial Code in 1963, just six weeks or so after Kennedy was killed.
The debt is the debt of the corporation that it owes to the international bankers. How does that corporation paying for that debt paid? -It borrows from the hard work of its slave work force. As long as we remain "strawman" slaves we will believe that we are the ones that have to pay that debt, through taxes, traffic fines, paying interest on credit card payments, etc.
When we 'remember' who we are - the real human being that is being used by the corp to pay off its created debt from runaway spending, we now understand that actually we are not the one's that owe anybody anything. We in fact are, and have been the the creditors to the corporation called the United States of America. Those that run the Corporation of America have been borrowing from the American people since 1938. They owe us a great deal. The table is turned more and more, as the more of us wake up to this fact.
Intellectual property is protected, I would then assume, is protected under UCC law. You can believe that it is stealing to use someone else's idea if you want to. But every idea is borrowed from somewhere, artists borrow ideas from nature all the time. Is that stealing from nature? Is not man a part of nature? He is not if he is rooted within and bound by UCC law.
Your choice to make.