Re: can we help a little 3yr old girl?..
I would love to help, but there's NO was it's wise to try to treat a little child through a print out, through you, through to the mother. That's a recipe for disaster.
Please let her mother know she can get help here. What we basically need to do is detoxify this precious lil' girl, do a bit of liver work, ensure she's having adequate bowel activity, remove ALL chemicals from her diet and surroundings (tricky to do in a convenience store), and get her OFF the drugs asap (but you canNOT take ANYbody off of prednison 'asap') - it must be a slow taper.
The safest and most effective thing she can do now is start putting a castor oil pack on her liver every night, ample PURE water, absolutely ZERO processed foods or meats/dairy that aren't organic (or at least hormone free). Bentonite/charcoal (which would be GREAT for stopping reactions, as you well know) will adsorb part of her meds.
The sun is a GREAT healer and detoxifier - the IP has EVERYONE getting ample sunlight daily (both Schulze/Christopher INSIST on 'naked sunbathing' daily, no matter WHAT the weather!).
>>>the mother is willing to do anything at this point to help her daughter and keep her off drugs<<< Hopefully that will be the case. In my experience, 100% of mothers say it; less than 5% will do "anything" more than substitute the drugs with a supplement or herb. Let's hope she's in the 5% :)
(That's not because mothers don't care - it's because it sometimes takes a VERY long time -time a typical mother does NOT have- to learn enough, to be able to prioritize and change the families lifestyle & diet). If had an brand new tincture bottle for every time I've heard,,, "Well, I can NOT torture my baby and not let her eat what everybody else is eating - and I don't have the time to make her special meals, and I certainly don't have the time/money to change ALL of our diets)....I'd never have to order tincture bottles again :(